Friday, December 18, 2015

World Powers Meet To Address Syrian War And The Islamic State

New York Times: World Powers, Meeting in New York, to Address Syrian War and ISIS

UNITED NATIONS — Diplomats from more than a dozen countries met at the Palace Hotel in New York on Friday morning to discuss ending the Syrian civil war and focusing the world’s attention on the threat of the Islamic State.

But it remained unclear whether the major powers could put aside their rivalries and fulfill a key goal — a United Nations Security Council resolution endorsing a plan for resolving the conflict.

At issue is whether the world powers that all have large stakes in the war can end the fighting, and in that way help stem the refugee crisis in Europe and the threat posed by the Islamic State.

More News On Today's Meeting Of World Powers To Address The Syrian War And The Islamic State

Big powers struggle to agree on U.N. resolution as new Syria talks begin -- Reuters
Key countries meet in latest push to launch Syrian peace talks, cease-fire; differences remain -- AP
Major powers struggle to agree UN resolution ahead of Syria talks -- France 24
Syria talks falter before they begin; no agreement yet over key issues -- Al Jazeera
Syrian negotiator says opposition wants transition without Assad -- Reuters
Iran: 'No Agreement' Seen in Key Issues Before Syria Talks -- AP
Syria Peace Talks Update: Assad's Political Future To Be Focus Of Negotiations In New York -- IBTimes
Key Countries Meet to Push Forward Syrian Peace Process -- AP
Syria war: Powers meet to push ceasefire plan -- BBC
World Powers Meet in New York to Discuss Proposed Syrian Transition -- VOA
World powers bring Syria peace plan to UN -- AFP
Syria: Four years of efforts to end the conflict -- AFP

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